Thursday, August 28, 2008

Is E-Discovery overwhelming the American Justice System?

Interesting article in the most recent Economist that asserts "A deluge of electronic information may overwhelm American civil justice"

The article's author points out that it was not long ago when "In the rare event that electronic evidence was requested, 100 gigabytes (GB) was considered a large amount." Today, "almost every case involves e-discovery and spits out “terabytes” of information—the equivalent of millions of pages."

In an ordinary case, 200 lawyers can easily review electronic documents for four months, at a cost of millions of dollars, he says.

Not surprisingly, given the huge costs associated with these cases, many large corporations are trying to bring e-discovery in house and are building their own teams. Verizon is one company taking this step - and they project that they will save well over $11M per year once their team and technology is firmly in place.

Whether or not this prediction comes true, this does seem to be a trend among companies. And until limits are placed on the amount (and type) of information that can be requested during discovery, it seems this will only continue to grow.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Managing E-Discovery: The CIO Perspective

Today's online version of Computerworld includes some good insight for IT managers and executives regarding the growing role of E-Discovery in their roles.

Author Benjamin Barnett describes a "call to arms in an electronic discovery battle" for IT professionals.

His top 3 rules:

Rule 1: Managing e-discovery is now part of your job.

Rule 2: E-discovery (for the most part) is a one-way street.

Rule 3: Legal landmarks in the e-discovery minefield are few and far between.

You can read the rest of his rules and the article here.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Tech Firms Pitch Tools For Sifting Legal Records

In case you missed it, last Friday the Wall Street Journal published a great article about the rise of technology solutions being created and pitched to companies who are feeling overwhelmed by the growing demands of e-discovery.

It is interesting to see how law firms are positioning themselves in this development. It seems to be a classic case of yet another service-oriented industry that is feeling the impact of technology solutions. As is the case in all markets (including our own), those who don't or won't evolve will eventually go the way of the dinosaur...

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